The science behind the use of probiotics for health is advancing rapidly. In the 21st century, specific strains have been effective across the arc of human diseases including metabolic, inflammatory, cancers, infections, mental disorders, and more.

Consumer products are abundant.  Thousands have been introduced in the last few years.

As new offers flood the market, deciding among the different types, doses, and delivery systems of probiotics can be overwhelming.

In a six-part series of blogs I wrote for the International Probiotics Association, the non-profit organization tackled a few of the most common areas of confusion and misinformation regarding the practical aspects of probiotic use.

“Essentially everyone wants better answers, from healthcare workers to the consumer to the researcher testing probiotics in the lab.

As every scientist knows, microbiology doesn’t yield its secrets easily. Research science is a painstaking search for answers, which most often come slowly. The practical aspects of using probiotics have been studied but in many cases are ongoing; hopefully, future studies will offer more definitive guidance.”

In the meantime, here are links to each of the blogs —evidence-based — in the series that may shed light on areas of concern for both consumers and healthcare practitioners. Titles are linked to the full articles on the IPA website.