Beans, fruits, vegetables and whole grains supply delicious sources of dietary fiber. But flatulence and bloating may make even the healthiest people limit what should undeniably be the bulk of the menu.

A recent blog I wrote for the International Probiotics Association explores whether probiotics would help improve tolerance of a plant-based flatulogenic diet in healthy people.

Here is an excerpt from A Case for Probiotics in Gas-Related Symptoms. But be sure to read the entire article.

Flatulence and bloating are also a problem in conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). A diet restricted in fermentable carbohydrates  like the Low FODMAP diet (fermentable, oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols) can be used to manage gas-related symptoms by identifying trigger foods with the help of a health professional. However, the low FODMAP diet has impacts on the gut microbiota and is not designed as a long-term solution. Although robust scientific evidence is lacking, over the counter medications are also popular remedies to relieve gas-related symptoms. Whether a symptom of something worse or a mere side effect of a hearty fiber helping, gas-related symptoms demand our attention. Balance in the microbiome is crucial for efficient digestion and nutrient absorption — in sickness and in health.